Thanks for joining my journey. I have never done anything like this before I never really thought I was really that interesting, but I thought that I would give it a try. My name is Jennie Lynn Newland I am a mother to a beautiful two year old little boy Zachary and I am in my last few semesters in Nursing School. With any luck I will be a RN in July so please pray for me that it all works. I think that this may be the hardest thing that I have ever went through, not that the school part is the worst (don't worry it is VERY hard) but its the time away from my family, that makes it the worst. I will be sharing my school stories, my work stories, and most important my Zach stories. I really hope to find some new friends on here, and get to know some people that maybe are going through some of the same things. I think that is all for now, We will see where this leads!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 421
3 days ago
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