We have started a new small group at my church for the fall. We are going to be studying the book Radical by David Platt.
This book is about having a love so strong in Christ, that every other love in your life fails in comparison.
WOW, that hit me hard. I think it would hit all Mommy's hard. To love Someone more than the sweet miracle you gave birth to. But that's what He calls us to do.
In the small group we were asked a question, and to tell you the truth I didn't like my answer to the question. If I'm truly being transparent with you I didn't even like the form of panic rising in my throat when I thought about the question.
"If Jesus was to ask you to drop everything, to leave your life to go serve others somewhere on the other side of the world for and unknown amount of time would you go?"
Could you leave your husband, your kids, your work, your house, friends? To be obedient to the One who calls you to serve? Would you hesitate? Would you try to bargain your way out of it?
For me not only, I'm being honest here, would I have a hard time going but just the thought of that being asked puts a lump in my throat.
Below are two videos for the book. I can't wait to jump in and see what kind of changes I need to make of my life to have a radical love for Jesus.
And soon, when Jesus calls me to do something radical, there will be no lump...just total surrender.
So what about you? Do you feel like you at this exact moment in your life feel like you could drop everything and go?
I personally have a very hard time with this total surrender thing.... I know that it is what I am called to do for my Lord and Saviour, but hard none the less.
I saw that book in a bookstore the other day and it looked so interesting. Now I really want to check it out!
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